Laser Treatment
Sacramento, CA
Laser Treatment in Sacramento, CA
If you have been battling deep acne scars, melasma, rosacea, sunspots, stubborn hyperpigmentation, or are simply on a quest for a cost-effective way to achieve smoother skin with a more even texture, laser treatment might be the next option to consider.
At Organic Skin Studio in Sacramento, we offer a state-of-the-art aesthetic medical laser, Aerolase, designed to offer an unparalleled patient experience in dermatology and aesthetics. Its unique 650-microsecond technology provides comprehensive skin rejuvenation in a safe, effective, and comfortable manner for all skin types and tones. This advanced laser is designed to target melanin, hemoglobin, and water within the skin tissue, addressing signs of aging with minimal discomfort and no adverse effects.
What is The Reverse Treatment?
The Reverse (think: The Laser Peel), combines full dermal remodeling and epidermal renewal with simplicity to fully eliminate the causative factors of aging in a proprietary two-step procedure. It’s what younger patients ask for to prevent signs of aging and what patients with skin aging ask for to regain naturally youthful skin. This combination is suitable for every aesthetic patient concerned with signs of aging.
Price for Reverse Protocol (Neo and Era) starts at $799
Recommended once or twice every year to once every few years.
How Does This Laser Treat Active Acne?
Our laser safely and tolerably penetrates the skin to reduce sebum production, suppress inflammation, and destroy acne-causing bacteria. You will start seeing visible result after a few treatments with no side effects. This is an affordable alternative way to prescription medications.
Each treatment takes approximately 15-30 minutes depending on the severity of acne. No need for numbing or skin cooling.
Price: $250 each session| Once or twice a month | 6 treatments recommended |Package Price Available.
How does This Laser Treat Melasma, Hyperpigmentation, and Sunspots?
Our laser safely targets melanin deposits and vascular components to achieve clearance without risk for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This treatment can be combined with peels for faster results! It’s important to note that every treatment provides the added benefit of overall skin rejuvenation and collagen induction, regardless of your specific concerns.
Each treatment takes approximately 15-20 minutes without the need for numbing or skin cooling.
Price: $399 each session| Once a month | 6 treatments recommended |Package Price Available.
How does This Laser Treat Rosacea, Redness, and Broken Capillaries?
Our deep-penetrating laser energy safely suppresses inflammation, targets dilated blood vessels, and improves skin texture with no discomfort or downtime.
Each treatment takes 15-30 minutes without the need for numbing or skin cooling
Price: $399 each session| Once a month | 6 treatments recommended |Package Price Available.